Meet the team behind Teka.

UX/UI Design
Maia García Cao
"Hi! I'm Maia. I'm 23 years old and I'm a very passionate Graphic and Multimedia Designer who loves to create mind-blowing layouts and generate the best user experiences."

Motion Graphics & 3D
Agustín Gamoneda
"Hi! I'm Agustín. I'm 23 years old and I'm an enthusiastic Graphic and Multimedia Designer who loves to generate audiovisual works and recreate 3D spaces and objets."

Editorial Design
Martina Liotti
"Hi! I'm Martina. I'm 23 years old and I'm a very passionate Graphic and Multimedia Designer who loves to design eye-catching layouts for both printed and digital media."

Brand Design
Cristian Daldi
"Hi! I'm Cristian. I'm 23 years old and I'm a super enthusiastic Graphic and Multimedia Designer who loves to create and reinvent brands throughout unique concepts and design systems."